
Assignment Number: a6
Part 1

Filename: gcd.asm
Write a MIPS assembly language program, gcd.asm,to
1. Input two positive integers from the keyboard.
2. using a gcd function in your program, compute the gcd of the two positive integers.
3. The input parameters for the gcd function should be passed in $a0 and $a1. The output parameter should come back in $v0.
4. Print the following message:
The gcd of a and b is g.

The following is some sample I/O.

Input first positive integer: 4

Input second positive integer: 6

The gcd of 4and 6 is 2

Input first positive integer: 48

Input second positive integer: 30

The gcd of 48 and 30 is 6

Input first positive integer: 236

Input second positive integer: 952

The gcd of 236 and 952 is 4

Part 2

Filename: singleasmd.asm
Write a MIPS assembly language program, singleasmd.asm, to

1. Input two single numbers from the keyboard.

2. Input an operation, +, -, *, or /.

3. Output the statement and the result, e.g.,1.23   -

4.567 = -3.337

4.Prompt to see if the user wants to do another calculation, e.g.,
Another calculation? (y/n)
The following is some sample I/O.
Input first single number: 1.23
Input second single number: 4.567
Input operation: -1.23 –4.567 = -3.337
Another calculation? (y/n) y
Input first single number: -9.8
Input second single number: .76
Input operation: *-9.8 * .76 = -7.448
Another calculation? (y/n) n